Lockerz Guide

What are PTZ and how do I earn them?

-PTZ is the currency used by Lockerz. You earn PTZ and then redeem them for cool prizes. You can earn PTZ by logging in, answering the daily question, and inviting people. There will be more oppurtunities after the 10-15 launch.

Why is everything fresh out?
-Everything is displayed as being "fresh out" until the next restock when they will add more prizes.

What is Z-List and what do I get from it?
-After you refer 20 people, you will become a Z-lister for 1 year. You have to refer another 20 people every year to remain a Z-lister. As a Z-lister, you earn double PTZ for everything and you get a FREE Z-List t-shirt. You also get to shop 1 hour early at the $$ store (NOT PTZ PLACE).

How do I get my z-list shirt?
-Before you reach Z-list, click on "settings" under your name in Lockerz. Fill in your info and click "update". Once you reach Z-list they will send it to you automatically. You may or may not receive a shipping email. It should arrive within 2 or 3 weeks.

How long does it take to get prizes?
-You can expect to wait about 2-3 weeks. Depending on how busy they are it can take longer. If you don't hear anything from and you think you should have, email Kathy at [email protected].

Do they ship to "my country"?
-If your country of residence is in the drop-down box under the "settings" menu (where you enter your info), then yes they do.

What happens with the shipping bill?
-Shipping costs will also be addressed in the 10-12 info release.

Is it legit? How do they pay for everything?
-Yes it's completely legit, visit the Prizes Received section (http://lockerzforum.com/prizes_received/) for plenty of proof. They will make money from advertising and from the store where they will sell a variety of products for actual money.

Are multiple accounts / household allowed?
-As long as the accounts are for/by real people, yes, you should be fine.

Is lockerz.com going to have an official forum?
-It is possible, but there has not been any word on it so far.

Do my pointz expire?
-Yes, your PTZ only last 1 year from the month in which you earned them.

What's the average amount of pointz the average user (as in one who doesn't run an invite website or anything, but logs in and completes activities every day) receives per day?
-Non Z-listers can earn 4ptz per day and Z-listers can earn 8ptz a day, without any invites.

How long does it take before stock of the average prize runs out?
-Prizes run out VERY FAST, it usually takes less than a minute.

Do Z-listers get an advantage when redeeming prizes?
-No, they only time they get an advantage will be in the lockerz $$ shop.

Is there a maximum of number of invites I can send each day?
-Yes, you can only send 100 invites / day.

How often do they restock?
-Hopefully they will be able to increase the number of restocks to every 2 weeks or more in the coming future but for the time being it has only been 1 per month.

What do the "alerts" mean?
-They don't mean anything (at least for now), just ignore them.

What time do they restock?
-The restocks are usually about 5pm EST, with several waves of prizes every few hours.

How can I contact Lockerz?
Any questions about Lockerz, may be forwarded to the people listed below:

Support - [email protected]
General - [email protected]
PTZ Problems - [email protected]
Prize Problems - [email protected]

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